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Ardley Village Hall Bookings

Our Prices

Take a look at the table below to see what the prices are for booking the hall.

  Village Residents & Charity Rates Non-residents & Commercial Rates
  Per Hour Deposit All Day Deposit Per Hour Deposit All Day Deposit
Hall + Kitchen £13 (£50) £120 (£100) £18.50 (£50) £185 (£100)
Meeting Room + Kitchen £6.50 (£50) £40 (£50) £9.25 (£50) £60 (£50)
Hall, Meeting Room + Kitchen £19.50 (£50) £150 (£100) £27.65 (£50) £240 (£100)
Kitchen Ovens £5.50 £27.50 £5.50 £27.50
Special Rate for 9am-4pm £45 – 4hrs (£50) £13 per extra hour £65 – 4hrs (£50) £18.50 per extra hour
Evening Parties Per Hour Deposit All Day Deposit Per Hour Deposit All Day Deposit
Main Hall + Kitchen, 4pm-midnight £110 (£100) £150 (£100)
Teenage Party £110 (£300)

Book The Venue

Ready to book? Want to find out more? Fill out a booking form or send us a message and we’ll do our best to help.

This agreement is made on the date shown, between the committee and the hirer named below. In consideration of the sum agreed & full payment received no later than 2 weeks before hire date, the committee will permit the hirer to use of the premises for the purposes and period as described below. The time required for your booking should include the set up & clear away period.

Please read through the Booking Information Page prior to booking.